- The temperature chart starts with an x-axis scale of 12 minutes and a y-axis scale of 0-500F. The chart will expand the scale if the roast goes longer than 12 minutes or if the temperature exceeds 500F. Most of my roasts are finished within 10 minutes. This fixed axis allows me to compare roasts since they will all be using the same x-axis and y-axis scales.
- Ability to export the roast log as an image and include the notes section as part of the image.
- Markers can be added to the chart to indicate significant events like first crack start/stop, second crack start/stop, etc.. The markers are blue vertical lines. I will make them thicker so they are easier to see. When roasting press ALT-M to create a marker.
Colombian Santa Barbara (Happy Mug) with new ELF features
The following new features were added to ELF: